/* ------------ Script copyright 2005-2013 EC Software ------------- This script was created by Help & Manual and is part of the Webhelp export format. This script is designed for use in combination with the output of Help & Manual and must not be used outside this context. http://www.helpandmanual.com Do not modify this file! It will be overwritten by Help & Manual. ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ var usecookie = false; var tocselecting = false; var abspossupported = 0; var currentselection = null; var currenttocstate = ""; if (gaaccount != "") { var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(["_setAccount", gaaccount]); _gaq.push(["_trackPageview"]); (function() { var ga = document.createElement("script"); ga.type = "text/javascript"; ga.async = true; ga.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://ssl" : "http://www") + ".google-analytics.com/ga.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); } function hmAddCss(adoc, cssCode) { var styleElement = adoc.createElement("style"); styleElement.type = "text/css"; if (styleElement.styleSheet) { styleElement.styleSheet.cssText = cssCode; } else { styleElement.appendChild(adoc.createTextNode(cssCode)); } adoc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(styleElement); } function hmSupportsAbspos() { if (abspossupported==0) { tmp = $('
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thisIcon.substr(thisIcon.indexOf(';')+1, thisIcon.length) : thisIcon.substr(0, thisIcon.indexOf(';')) ) + ')'); if (nodevisible) { if (animate && hmAnimate) $(thisUL).slideDown('fast'); else thisUL.style.display = 'block'; } else { if (animate && hmAnimate) $(thisUL).slideUp('fast'); else thisUL.style.display = 'none'; } } } } function hilightexpand(spanID) { if (hilight(spanID)) { var thisUL = hmULfromID(spanID); if (thisUL) hmSwitchNode(thisUL, true, true); return true; } else return false; } function hilight(spanID) { tocselecting = true; var thisnode = null; var selectionchanged = false; thisnode = hmNavigationFrame().document.getElementById(spanID); if (thisnode) { try { if ((currentselection) && (currentselection != thisnode)) currentselection.className = "heading" + currentselection.className.substr(7,1); } catch(e){ } thisnode.className = "hilight"+thisnode.className.substr(7,1); selectionchanged = (currentselection != thisnode); currentselection = thisnode; } return selectionchanged; } function intoview(thisnode, tree, selectionchanged) { var thisparent = thisnode; while (thisparent != tree) { if ((selectionchanged) && (thisparent.nodeName.toLowerCase()=="ul")) hmSwitchNode(thisparent,true,true); thisparent = thisparent.parentNode; } thisparent = thisnode; for (var t=0; thisparent!=null; t+=thisparent.offsetTop, thisparent=thisparent.offsetParent); var bt = (hmNavigationFrame().window.pageYOffset)?hmNavigationFrame().window.pageYOffset:hmNavigationFrame().document.body.scrollTop; var bh = (hmNavigationFrame().window.innerHeight)?hmNavigationFrame().window.innerHeight:hmNavigationFrame().document.body.offsetHeight; if ((t+thisnode.offsetHeight-bt) > bh) hmNavigationFrame().window.scrollTo(0,(t+24-bh)) else if (t < bt) hmNavigationFrame().window.scrollTo(0,t); } function collapseunfocused(toc, selectedID) { if (toc) { var nodepath = 'ul'+selectedID.replace(/[isaul]/g,'') + "."; var nodeCompare = ""; var items = toc.getElementsByTagName("ul"); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i].id.indexOf(".")<0) nodeCompare = items[i].id + "."; else nodeCompare = items[i].id; if (nodepath.lastIndexOf(nodeCompare)<0) { hmSwitchNode(items[i], false, false); } } } } function quicksync(aID) { if (aID != "") { var toc = hmNavigationFrame().document.getElementById("toc"); if (toc) { if (!tocselecting) { aID = "s"+aID.substring(1,aID.length); var thisspan = hmNavigationFrame().document.getElementById(aID); if (thisspan) { var selectionchanged = hilight(aID); intoview(thisspan, toc, selectionchanged); } } if (autocollapse) { if (currentselection) collapseunfocused(toc, currentselection.id); else collapseunfocused(toc, ""); } } track('topic', topicID); } tocselecting = false; } function lazysync(topicID) { if (topicID != "") { var toc = hmNavigationFrame().document.getElementById("toc"); if (toc) { if (!tocselecting) { var currentTopic = $("a[href^='"+topicID+"']",toc); if (currentTopic.length > 0) { var currentSpanID = $(currentTopic).children("span").attr("id"); var selectionchanged = false; if (hmTocSingleClick) { selectionchanged = hilightexpand(currentSpanID); } else { selectionchanged = hilight(currentSpanID); } intoview(currentTopic[0], toc, selectionchanged); } } if (autocollapse) { if (currentselection) collapseunfocused(toc, currentselection.id); else collapseunfocused(toc, ""); } } track('topic', topicID); } tocselecting = false; } function hmPreloadIcons() { var icons = new Array(); for (i=0; i '); var oldX; var navWidth; var minWidth; var oldLeft; var oldWidth; var oldSplitL; var split = $('#hmsplitter'); $(window).resize(function() { /* resize splitter when window changes */ split.css('height', $(leftdiv).outerHeight()+'px'); }); split.bind('mousedown', startDrag); function startDrag(e) { oldX = (!document.all) ? e.clientX : event.clientX; navWidth = parseInt($(leftdiv).css('width'),10); minWidth = parseInt($(leftdiv).css('min-width')); oldLeft = $(rightdiv).offset().left; oldWidth = $(rightdiv).outerWidth(); oldSplitL = split.offset().left; var bg = $('
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