Standard Properties

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As outlined under Event Properties, these are properties present in all types of events. Some event types have only these standard properties. Others have additional properties. Those with additional properties are documented in the other sections. If there is no specific documentation for a specific event type, this means that it supports the standard properties, only.




A human-readable representation of the message text. While this is genereally available, the exact contents largely depends on the source of the information. For example, for a file monitor it contains the file line and for a syslog message it contains the parsed part of the syslog message.


The source system the message orignated from. This can be in various representations (e.g. IP address or DNS name) depending on configuration settings.


A user-assgined numerical value. Does not have any specific meaning. Primarily intended for quick filtering.


A user-assgined numerical value. Does not have any specific meaning. Primarily intended for quick filtering.


A user-assgined numerical value. Does not have any specific meaning. Primarily intended for quick filtering.


The time the originator tells us when this message was reported. For example, for syslog this is the timestamp from the syslog message (if not configured otherwise). Please note that timereported eventually is incorrect or inconsistent with local system time - as it depends on external devices, which may not be properly synchronized.


For Windows Event Log events, timereported contains the timestamp from the event log record.


The time the event was recorded by the service. If messages are forwarded via SETP, this timestamp remains intact.


Reserved for future use.


Indicates the type of the event. Possible values are:


1- syslog message

2- hearbeat

3- Windows Event Log Entry

4- SNMP trap message

5- file monitor

8- ping probe

9- port probe

10- Windows service monitor

11- disk space momitor

12- database monitor

13- serial device monitor


Version of the event record (info unit). This is a monitorware interal version identifier.