Email Notifications

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In this example, we would like to receive email notifications when certain events happen.


So let us create an additional rule for that purpose: Right-click the "Defaults" rule set and select "Rule Sets", "Add Rule" from the pop up menu. Provide a name. We call it "Email Reception" in this example. Then, add a "Forward via Email" action. In the action details, be sure to configure at least the mail server, recipient and subject properties.


Please note that many mail servers also need a valid sender mail address or otherwise deny delivery of the message.



Email Notifications - Figure 1


Then, select the filter conditions. Let us assume we are just interested in events of ID 600. Then the filter conditions should look as can be seen below:



Email Notifications - Figure 2


When you have finished these steps, be sure to save the configuration and re-start the MonitorWare Agent service. After the restart, the newly extended rule set is executed. In addition, the rules defined so far, the new one is carried out, emailing all events with ID 600 to the specified recipient.