Step-by-Step Guides

The step-by-step guides are meant to get you started quickly. They provide information on how to configure the product in common scenarios. Each section includes the information necessary to complete a specific task.

The information is presented in an easy to follow “step by step” way (hence the name). Each section begins with the intended result and then explains the steps to achieve it in the correct order. They are documented together with hardcopies, so they should be easy to follow. For best results, please be sure to follow the exact order of the steps.

The step-by-step guides do eventually not include all information that might be relevant to the situation. Please use your own judgment if the scenario described sufficiently matches your need.

In the step-by-step guides, we assume the product is already successfully installed but no configuration has been done. If it is not installed, please do so first.

All step-by-step guides assume that the client is running. This is kind of a step 0 for all the guides.

To keep download times reasonable, the step-by-step guides are not included in this manual. They are kept as separate web pages. This also allows us to modify and add step-by-step guides. Additions are made all the time, so it is probably a good idea to check the Step-by-step guide page for new guides.

MonitorWare Agent Specific