Version History

MonitorWare Agent 14.5a Released

Release Date: 2024-05-29 Build-IDs: Service, Client Bugfixes File Action: Fixed an issue with circular and segmented file logging when configured size was above 2GB. Log Rotation: Fixed an issue with log rotation when Log rotation Size was above 2GB. Log Rotation: Fixed unintended log rotation on configuration reload when Log rotation on Close … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 14.5a Released"...

MonitorWare Agent 14.5 Released

Release Date: 2023-10-18 Build-IDs: Service, Client Bugfixes Relp Action: Updated to latest librelp version 1.11.0. File Action: Fixed a race condition in Filename handling that could cause a problem under heavy load and stress conditions. Filter Engine: Fixed incorrect greater / lower filter handling of IP Type Filter. Network Core: Suppressed network error … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 14.5 Released"...

MonitorWare Agent 14.4 Released

Release Date: 2023-06-21 Build-IDs: Service, Client Bugfixes Syslog Action: Fixed a very rare case where an Action could try to open **TCP connections** to the same target **multiple times simultaneously**. The handling has been hardened to avoid concurrent connection establishment retries for the same Action. Syslog Action: Fixed error handling when **the** connection … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 14.4 Released"...

MonitorWare Agent 14.3 Released

Release Date: 2022-11-09 Build-IDs: Service, Client Bugfixes Send Email Action: Fix a RFC5322 protocol issue when multiple recipient were used. Debuglog: Fix output of port numbers in debug logging. Fix daylight detection when converting from strings to timestamps internally. Write File Action: Fix a race condition when files were closed that could lead … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 14.3 Released"...

MonitorWare Agent 14.2a Released

Release Date: 2022-03-03 Build-IDs: Service, Client Bugfixes EventLog Monitor V2: Fix an issue with events, that cannot be formatted properly. EventLog Monitor V2: Fix loading enabled state for Event Channels when either Debug or Admin channels are enabled/disabled. EventLog Monitor V2: Fix the default Channel enabled state for disabled channel types. File Action: … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 14.2a Released"...

MonitorWare Agent 14.2 Released

Release Date: 2022-01-18 Build-IDs: Service, Client Features Syslog Service: Added configurable option to detect Year in RFC3164 Syslog Header. If enabled, the service will try to detect a Year after the usual RFC3164 Date Header. Syslog Service: Added configurable message size limit for syslog tcp messages. The default is 1MB which is far … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 14.2 Released"...

MonitorWare Agent 14.1 Released

Release Date: 2021-07-14 Build-IDs: Service, Client Features EventLog Monitor V2: Add support to monitor Analytic and Debug Channels. These channels will only work in polling mode and detection of the last record is limited due the nature of analytic / debug channels. EventLog Monitor V2: Added new “Copy Messageformat into property” option to … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 14.1 Released"...

MonitorWare Agent 14.0 Released

Release Date: 2021-03-09 Build-IDs: Service, Client Features Filter Engine: Add support to filter by IPv6 addresses. File Action: Added Log Rotation support. For more details see the manual. Eventlog Monitor V2: Added support to for LogPoint SIEM JSON Format. Eventlog Monitor V2: Added support for the following EventLog properties (if available): Providerguid, processed, … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 14.0 Released"...

MonitorWare Agent 13.2d Released

Release Date: 2021-02-19 Build-IDs: Service, Client Bugfixes File Action: When appending to a logfiles of the exact size of 4294967295 bytes, the File Open failed due incorrect error handling in that special case. Syslog Action: When appending to syslog cache files with the exact size of 4294967295 bytes, the File Open failed due … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 13.2d Released"...

MonitorWare Agent 13.2c Released

Release Date: 2021-01-27 Build-IDs: Service, Client Bugfixes Syslog Service: Fixed an parsing issue of the syslogtag (rfc5424 only) with malformed syslog headers. Syslog Service: Fixed an issue where two nullbytes were appended to the rawsyslogmsg property. EventLog Monitor V2: Fixed Unicode support when using JSON Output format. IPv6: Fixed a conversion issue when … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 13.2c Released"...

MonitorWare Agent 13.2b Released

Release Date: 2020-09-04 Build-IDs: Service, Client Bugfixes Start Program Action: Fixed loading the Sync Timeout setting in file configuration mode. Queue Engine: Fix for STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN exception. STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN doesn’t mean that there was a stack buffer overrun. It appears that due recent security updates in windows network code, a new exception type was introduced. … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 13.2b Released"...

MonitorWare Agent 13.2a Released

Release Date: 2020-07-21 Build-IDs: Service, Client Bugfixes Fixed an issue that could cause the Service to abort while configuration reload was running. Fixed an issue when the user stopped the Service while a configuration reload was running. You can download Free Trial Version of MonitorWare Agent...

MonitorWare Agent 13.2 Released

Release Date: 2020-06-16 Build-IDs: Service, Client Features File Action: Added option “Explicitly update create and modified file timestamp” to control created and modified file time. Bugfixes File Action: Fixed a problem closing the current open file too soon. The File Timeout is now properly handled. EventLog Monitor V2: Fixed a problem during configuration … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 13.2 Released"...

MonitorWare Agent 13.1a Released

Release Date: 2020-03-10 Build-IDs: Service, Client Features TLS Support: Updated to OpenSSL 1.0.2u. You can download Free Trial Version of MonitorWare Agent...

MonitorWare Agent 13.1 Released

Release Date: 2020-01-31 Build-IDs: Service, Client Features Property engine: Added new static property %localhostname% which contains the local computer name. Syslog Action: Fixed Syslog Version in RFC5424 Header to 1. Bugfixes EventLog Monitor V2: Fixed an issue losing the first record LastRecord was resetted. EventLog Monitor V2: Fixed minor issues in new caching … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 13.1 Released"...

MonitorWare Agent 13.0 Released

Release Date: 2019-07-01 Build-IDs: Service, Client Features Configuration Client using latest .Net Framework now. Windows 2019 Support. Configuration reload: Added support to update configuration from https url. Property engine: Added new options date-rfc3164strict: Same as date-rfc3164 but with two spaces after month if day is below 10. crlftovbar: Replaces all CRLF or LF … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 13.0 Released"...

MonitorWare Agent 12.2 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client

Release Date: 2019-04-24 Build-IDs: Service, Client Features Hardened Code using new utilities like cppcheck and LLVM Bugfixes Fixed processing issues with date property replacer options. Fixed minor memory leak in Service Monitor when Service check failed. Fixed a bug with UTF8 encoding detection (String content before the encoded string (BOM) was dropped). Fixed … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 12.2 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 12.1 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client

Release Date: 2018-08-23 Build-IDs: Service, Client Features RELP Listener Service/Send RELP Action: Updated Librelp library to 1.2.17 RELP Listener Service/Send RELP Action: Added TLS support (using OpenSSL library). RELP Listener Service: Added support to configure Internet Protocoltype (IPv4 / IPv6). TLS Support: Added support for anonymous communication (Certless). TLS Support: Added support to … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 12.1 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 12.0 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client

Release Date: 2018-04-11 Build-IDs: Service, Client Features File Monitor: Added new options “Process rest of file as one message” and Read  Filebuffer size for better regex message separator handling. Syslog Action: Added support for multiple syslog servers (Load balancing) Syslog Action: Backup Syslog Server is now tried on connect as well. Before, the … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 12.0 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 11.3c Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client

MonitorWare Agent 11.3c Released Build-IDs: Service, Client Features Bugfixes Property Engine: Fixed a bug that caused the first dynamic property to be missing when using XML report format. This bug also affected the SETP Sender and the Syslog TCP File-Caching feature (%rawsyslogmsg% missing). You can download Free Trial Version of MonitorWare Agent...

MonitorWare Agent 11.3b Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client

MonitorWare Agent 11.3b Released Build-IDs: Service, Client Features Bugfixes Property Engine: Fixed a bug related to the compressspace property replacer option that surfaced after recent stability changes. The bug stopped the option from working properly. You can download Free Trial Version of MonitorWare Agent...

MonitorWare Agent 11.3a Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client

MonitorWare Agent 11.3a Released Build-IDs: Service, Client Features Bugfixes PostProcess Action: Fixed a high CPU issue on configuration reload caused by the PostProcess Action code. Debug Output: Fixed misleading debug output of windows socket errors. Discard Action: Fixed an issue when the discard action was called (Only happened when debug logging was fully … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 11.3a Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 11.3 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client

MonitorWare Agent 11.3 Released Build-IDs: Service, Client Features Configuration Client: Added DebugLog Viewer utility which can be used to analyze and filter the service debug log. Configuration Reload: The random delay can now set up to 24 hours and does not affect the service control manager communication anymore. Send to Communication Port Action: … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 11.3 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 11.2 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client

MonitorWare Agent 11.2 Released Build-IDs: Service, Client Features Syslog Action: Added support to overwrite Syslog Priority/Facility SNMP Trap Receiver: Added support to print OCTET STRINGS with format hints. Format hints are now properly used using internal NET-SNMP functions. Support for encoding detection does not work for those SNMP Variables. File Action: Added option … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 11.2 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 11.1 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client

MonitorWare Agent 11.1 Released Build-IDs: Service, Client Features Updated to OpenSSL 1.0.2k. Configuration Reload: This is a big new core feature allowing the service to reload itself automatically after a configuration changed has been detected. The feature can be turned off in General-General Options if this new behavior is not wanted. By default … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 11.1 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 11.0 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client

MonitorWare Agent 11.0 Released Build-IDs: Service, Client Features Added Windows 2016 Support. Updated Syslog RFC3195 liblogging library Updated librelp library to 1.2.11 Updated net-snmp library to 5.7.3. Net-snmp debug messages are also printed into the Adiscon debug log now. File Monitor: Added support for UTF16 Big Endian SNMP Trap Receiver: Added support to … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 11.0 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 10.3 Released (Build-IDs: Service 10.3.471, Client 10.3.1564)

MonitorWare Agent 10.3 Released Build-IDs: Service 10.3.471, Client 10.3.1564 Features OpenSSL library updated to 1.0.2h. Adiscon SNMP Mib: Changed DisplayString limit from 255 characters to 65536. Now, strings above 255 characters can be send using the adiscon mibs. Bugfixes Send Syslog Action: Fixed an issue with the “Disable processing, forward as it is” Option. RawSyslogMsg … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 10.3 Released (Build-IDs: Service 10.3.471, Client 10.3.1564)"...

MonitorWare Agent 10.2 Released (Build-IDs: Service 10.2.466, Client

MonitorWare Agent 10.2 Released Build-IDs: Service 10.2.466, Client Features Components: Updated NET-SNMP and OpenSSL 1.0.2e. Engine: Enabled support to parse MIBs with labels that contain underscores. When using TLS Mode x509/Name, permitted peers will also checked against the certificate Subject Alternative Name (SAN) now. DB Monitor: Added option “Write LastDBIndex at frequent intervals” … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 10.2 Released (Build-IDs: Service 10.2.466, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 10.1 Released (Build-IDs: Service 10.1.453, Client 10.1.1538)

MonitorWare Agent 10.1 Released Build-IDs: Service 10.1.453, Client 10.1.1538 Features All internal errors are now logged into the EventLog when “Event Warnings” are enabled in general options. Added Rule Date Conditions. By default a rule will always be processed. It can be set to only process messages generated since the installation or custom date. Syslog … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 10.1 Released (Build-IDs: Service 10.1.453, Client 10.1.1538)"...

MonitorWare Agent 10.0 Released (Build-IDs: Service 10.0.444, Client 10.0.1522)

MonitorWare Agent 10.0 Released Build-IDs: Service 10.0.444, Client 10.0.1522 Features Faster core engine New Configuration Client running on Microsoft .Net Framework. If wanted, the old client application can be installed manually as “MonitorWare Legacy Client”. The Agent can be switched from registry to file based configuration support. Requires usage of the new configuration client. EventLog … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 10.0 Released (Build-IDs: Service 10.0.444, Client 10.0.1522)"...

MonitorWare Agent 9.4 Released (Build-IDs: Service 9.4.439, Client 9.4.1014)

MonitorWare Agent 9.4 Released Build-IDs: Service 9.4.439, Client 9.4.1014 Features Updated embedded OpenSSL library to 1.0.1j. Bugfixes Fixed invalid handle issue in File Action when Circular Logging is enabled. Fixed minor problem filtering in non-existent properties. Fixed minor shutdown isssues in EventLog Monitor V2 You can download Free Trial Version of MonitorWare Agent...

MonitorWare Agent 9.3 Released (Build-IDs: Service 9.3.438, Client 9.3.1409)

MonitorWare Agent 9.3 Released Build-IDs: Service 9.3.438, Client 9.3.1409 Features Updated embedded OpenSSL library to 1.0.1h. Bugfixes SETP Protocoll: Fixed a bug in zlib decompression. RELP Action: The RELP Action failed when no other network related Actions/services was configured. Configuration Client: Fixed minor bugs in the configuration client. You can download Free Trial Version of … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 9.3 Released (Build-IDs: Service 9.3.438, Client 9.3.1409)"...

MonitorWare Agent 9.2 Released (Build-IDs: Service 9.2.433, Client

MonitorWare Agent 9.2 Released Build-IDs: Service 9.2.433, Client Features Updated embedded OpenSSL library to 1.0.1g. Bugfixes EventLog Monitor V2: Fixed a problem reading the “Process unknown/unconfigured Eventlog Channgels” option which was added in the last minor update. EventLog Monitor V2: Fixed a problem when using “Remote EventLog Monitoring”. Now logsources are read from the … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 9.2 Released (Build-IDs: Service 9.2.433, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 9.1 Released (Build-IDs: Service 9.1.430, Client

MonitorWare Agent 9.1 Released Build-IDs: Service 9.1.430, Client Features EventLog Monitor V2: Added support for Remote EventLog Monitoring. In order to work, make sure that the following requirements on the remote machine are met: 1. The Service is configured to run with a administrative user who has rights on the local and remote machine. … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 9.1 Released (Build-IDs: Service 9.1.430, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 9.0 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client

MonitorWare Agent 9.0 Released Build-IDs: Service, Client Features Added Support for Windows 8 and Windows 2012 Increased Timer accuracy in all Services. This mainly effects accuracy of “Overrun Protection Delay” settings. Added support to load settings from a customized registry key. The key can be changed using the Configuration Client. Added support to … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 9.0 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 8.2a Released (Build-IDs: Service 8.2.419, Client 8.2.1358)

MonitorWare Agent 8.2a Released Build-IDs: Service 8.2.419, Client 8.2.1358 Features  none Bugfixes Fixed/Readded support for the “-r -o” command line switch. This command switch enables you to run the service in console mode for a single run only. This currently only works with one v1 Eventlog Monitor configured. In this case the service will process … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 8.2a Released (Build-IDs: Service 8.2.419, Client 8.2.1358)"...

MonitorWare Agent 8.2 Released (Build-IDs: Service 8.2.418, Client 8.2.1358)

MonitorWare Agent 8.2 Released Build-IDs: Service 8.2.418, Client 8.2.1358 Features File Monitor: Added support for the option “Skip all lines on Startup” when monitoring multiple files (Wildcard Option). The handling was originally designed when the File Monitor inly supported one single file. Database Monitor: Added new option called “Close connection after each Check Interval”. This … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 8.2 Released (Build-IDs: Service 8.2.418, Client 8.2.1358)"...

MonitorWare Agent 8.1 Released (Build-IDs: Service 8.1.414, Client 8.0.1351)

MonitorWare Agent 8.1 Released Build-IDs: Service 8.1.414, Client 8.0.1351  Features EventLog Monitor V2: Added support for resolving SID’s (Security Identifier) in. The Option is automatically enabled for the Security Channel, for all others the default is off. Added support for named properties if available. Forward Syslog Action: Added support for new “CEE enhanced Syslog Format” … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 8.1 Released (Build-IDs: Service 8.1.414, Client 8.0.1351)"...

MonitorWare Agent 8.0a Released (Build-IDs: Service 8.0.412, Client 8.0.1343)

MonitorWare Agent 8.0a Released Build-IDs: Service 8.0.412, Client 8.0.1343 Bugfixes Fixed a memory leak in all TCP releated actions that could occur if the TCP session timeout was set to a low value. Fixed a problem with the session timeout calculation for TCP releated actions. If the value was set above 3 minutes, the calculation … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 8.0a Released (Build-IDs: Service 8.0.412, Client 8.0.1343)"...

MonitorWare Agent 7.3a Released (Build-IDs: Service 7.3.402, Client

MonitorWare Agent 7.3a Released Release Date: 2011-05-16 Build-IDs: Service 7.3.402, Client Bugfixes Fixed a memory leak in all TCP releated actions that could occur if the TCP session timeout was set to a low value. Fixed a problem with the session timeout calculation for TCP releated actions. If the value was set above 3 … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 7.3a Released (Build-IDs: Service 7.3.402, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 8.0 Released (Build-IDs: Service 8.0.411, Client 8.0.1342)

MonitorWare Agent 8.0 Released Build-IDs: Service 8.0.411, Client 8.0.1342 New Additions Added new Action called Send MSQueue: This action can send messages to the Microsoft Message Queuing Server. It is possible to customize the Queue Label, Priority    and Queue Body. The Queue Body contains the message property by default as UNICODE (UTF16) string. In order … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 8.0 Released (Build-IDs: Service 8.0.411, Client 8.0.1342)"...

MonitorWare Agent 7.3 Released (Build-IDs: Service 7.3.401, Client

MonitorWare Agent 7.3 Released Release Date: 2011-04-05 Build-IDs: Service 7.3.401, Client Bugfixes If RawXML Format was used as MessageFormat (EventLog Monitor V2), we now include the Eventlog Message in the <RenderingInfo> Node (if the message can be properly compiled). Hardened SSL transmission send or receive handling. This affects all Services/Actions which use SSL. Also … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 7.3 Released (Build-IDs: Service 7.3.401, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 7.2a Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client

MonitorWare Agent 7.2a Released Release Date: 2010-12-02 Build-IDs: Service, Client Bugfixes File Monitor Fixed issue an which caused message processing problems when the percent characters was within the loglines. Core Engine Fixed string processing issues, partitially related to the SetProperty Action. You can download Free Trial Version of MonitorWare Agent...

MonitorWare Agent 7.2 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client

MonitorWare Agent 7.2 Released Release Date: 2010-08-02 Build-IDs: Service, Client New Additions Syslog Server – Added support for Syslog TLS (RFC 5425). It is possible to use the following modes: anonymous, x509name and x509fingerprint authentication. Note that this requires a valid server certificate as well. More details can be found in the manual. … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 7.2 Released (Build-IDs: Service, Client"...

MonitorWare Agent 7.1 Released (Build-IDs: Service 7.1.392, Client 7.1.1307)

MonitorWare Agent 7.1 Released Release Date: 2010-04-26 Build-IDs: Service 7.1.392, Client 7.1.1307 New Additions   EventLog Monitor V2 – Added %ParamX% emulation Option in EventLog Monitor V2 EventLog Monitor V1– Changed Checksum verification method, so it works along with third party Eventlog applications like NETAPP Filer.– Implemented Fallback method to reading and process EventLog *.evt … Continue reading "MonitorWare Agent 7.1 Released (Build-IDs: Service 7.1.392, Client 7.1.1307)"...

2010-02-05 MonitorWare Agent 7.0a Final (Build Service 7.0.391/Client 7.0.1303)

MonitorWare Agent 7.0a Released Build-IDs: Service 7.0.391, Client 7.0.1303 New Additions Core Engine – fixed an issue which caused trouble reading MonitorWare Agent Events in the EventLog Viewer. You can download Free Trial Version of MonitorWare Agent...

2010-02-01 MonitorWare Agent 7.0 Final (Build Service 7.0.390/Client 7.0.1303)

MonitorWare Agent 7.0 Released Build-IDs: Service 7.0.390, Client 7.0.1303 New Additions Full Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2 Support Syslog Listener Service – Added support to receive Syslog messages via multicast IP Addresses like for example. Send Relp Action – Added Keepalive TCP Option – the Sendtimeout can now be configured, the minimum value … Continue reading "2010-02-01 MonitorWare Agent 7.0 Final (Build Service 7.0.390/Client 7.0.1303)"...

2009-08-10 MonitorWare Agent 6.2a Final (Build Service 6.2.382/Client 6.2.1293)

MonitorWare Agent 6.2a Released Build-IDs: Service 6.2.382, Client 6.2.1293...

2009-06-22 MonitorWare Agent 6.2 Final (Build Service 6.2.380/Client 6.2.1293)

MonitorWare Agent 6.2 Released Build-IDs: Service 6.2.380, Client 6.2.1293 New Additions Windows 7 Compatibility – Has been tested and fully working on Windows 7 RC Build 7100 or higher. Added Free Tools – Added free tools like Adiscon logger, logzip and logviewer into the setup. These tools will be available from the tools folder. Syslog … Continue reading "2009-06-22 MonitorWare Agent 6.2 Final (Build Service 6.2.380/Client 6.2.1293)"...

2009-04-06 MonitorWare Agent 6.1 Final (Build Service 6.1.374/Client 6.1.1265)

MonitorWare Agent 6.1 Released Build-IDs: Service 6.1.374, Client 6.1.1265 New Additions File Monitor – Added a new advanced option to replace NULL bytes inside a file with spaces. This makes it possible to monitor files which include NULL bytes. Spaces again can be compressed automatically. – Added support for unlimited subdirectories and files when the … Continue reading "2009-04-06 MonitorWare Agent 6.1 Final (Build Service 6.1.374/Client 6.1.1265)"...

2008-12-23 MonitorWare Agent 6.0b Final (Build Service 6.0.364/Client 6.0.1236)

MonitorWare Agent 6.0b Released Build-IDs: Service 6.0.364, Client 6.0.1236...

2008-12-08 MonitorWare Agent 6.0a Final (Build Service 6.0.363/Client 6.0.1236)

MonitorWare Agent 6.0a Released Build-IDs: Service 6.0.363, Client 6.0.1236...

2008-11-24 MonitorWare Agent 6.0 Final (Build Service 6.0.362/Client 6.0.1230)

MonitorWare Agent 6.0 Released Build-IDs: Service 6.0.362, Client 6.0.1230 New Additions Eventlog Monitor – Added two new properties by customer request, %user% which contains the username of an event and %user_sid% which contains the security identifier of the user. – Added another property called %recordnum% which contains the internal number of the current eventlog entry. … Continue reading "2008-11-24 MonitorWare Agent 6.0 Final (Build Service 6.0.362/Client 6.0.1230)"...

2008-03-31 MonitorWare Agent 5.2 Final (Build Service 5.2.348/Client 5.1.1196)

MonitorWare Agent 5.2 Released Build-IDs: Service 5.2.348, Client 5.2.1196 New Additions InterActive SyslogViewer With this release, we are introducing a new tool for Realtime Syslog viewing called “Interactive SyslogViewer”. This application is written in Microsoft .Net which means, the .Net Framework will also be installed with the setup...

2007-10-11 MonitorWare Agent 5.1 Final (Build Service 5.1.340/Client 5.1.1166)

MonitorWare Agent 5.1 Released Build-IDs: Service 5.1.340, Client 5.1.1166 New Additions EventLog Monitor Added new option to use the new Checksum method to verify if the LastRecord is still valid. This option can be set in each EventLogType. We also had to redesign the Client advanced options form, as all the options did not fit … Continue reading "2007-10-11 MonitorWare Agent 5.1 Final (Build Service 5.1.340/Client 5.1.1166)"...

2007-08-22 MonitorWare Agent 5.0 Final (Build Service 5.0.336/Client 5.0.1161)

MonitorWare Agent 5.0 Released Build-IDs: Service 5.0.336, Client 5.0.1161 New Additions Forward Syslog Action– Added support for sending multiple messages over a persistent syslog/TCP connection. – Added capability to force -transport-tls like octet-counted framing for syslog/TCP connections. – Added a new major feature into this Action, Diskqueue. This new option is only available for TCP … Continue reading "2007-08-22 MonitorWare Agent 5.0 Final (Build Service 5.0.336/Client 5.0.1161)"...

2007-07-03 MonitorWare Agent 4.4 Final (Build Service 4.4.332/Client 4.4.1137)

MonitorWare Agent 4.4 Released Build-IDs: Service 4.4.332, Client 4.4.1137 New Additions RFC 3195 Changes Enhanced Syslog/BEEP implementation for better interoperability with Cisco’s implementation in IOS. The BEEP support has been in our products for a long time, but so far no major vendor offered BEEP support. Now that a first major vendor implementation is available, … Continue reading "2007-07-03 MonitorWare Agent 4.4 Final (Build Service 4.4.332/Client 4.4.1137)"...

2007-01-22 MonitorWare Agent 4.3 Final (Build Service 4.3.323/Client 4.3.1099)

MonitorWare Agent 4.3 Released Build-IDs: Service 4.3.323, Client 4.3.1099 New Additions New EventLog Monitor V2 ServiceA new Service has been added to fully support the new EventLog of Windows Vista. Currently the Service is just called EventLog Monitor V2 and can only be configured and used on Windows Vista or Windows Longhorn Server. This new … Continue reading "2007-01-22 MonitorWare Agent 4.3 Final (Build Service 4.3.323/Client 4.3.1099)"...

2006-10-25 MonitorWare Agent 4.2 Final (Build Service 4.2.316/Client 4.2.1062)

MonitorWare Agent 4.2 Released Build-IDs: Service 4.2.316, Client 4.2.1062 New Additions EventLog Monitor A ressource library cache has been added. This new feature will mainly be useful for the Eventlog Monitor. All libraries will be cached for 30 minutes by default. For events with the same reoccuring event sources, this will be a great performance … Continue reading "2006-10-25 MonitorWare Agent 4.2 Final (Build Service 4.2.316/Client 4.2.1062)"...

2006-07-10 MonitorWare Agent 4.1 Final (Build Service 4.1.312/Client 4.1.1038)

MonitorWare Agent 4.1 Released Build-IDs: Service 4.1.312, Client 4.1.1038 New Additions New Action: Resolve Hostname Action Customers asked for resolve hostname options in different services. This feature has now been implemented as an action. An action can be used with every service, and it doesn’t delay the work of a service...

2006-05-09 MonitorWare Agent 4.0 Final (Build Service 4.0.306/Client 4.0.1020)

MonitorWare Agent 4.0 Released Build-IDs: Service 4.0.306, Client 4.0.1020 New Additions x64 Build This is the first Version which introduces MonitorWare Agent on the x64 platform. Major compatibility changes for the x64 platform have been made in the Service core. For details see the changes listed below: – ODBC Database Action, fully runs on x64 … Continue reading "2006-05-09 MonitorWare Agent 4.0 Final (Build Service 4.0.306/Client 4.0.1020)"...

2005-09-14 MonitorWare Agent 3.1 Final (Build Service 3.1.292/Client 3.1.889)

MonitorWare Agent 3.1 Released Build-IDs: Service 3.1.292, Client 3.1.889 New Minor Additions Store Filter ResultsIf a filter matches, you can now store the result of the match into a custom property. This custom property can be used in Actions later...

2005-04-04 MonitorWare Agent 3.0

MonitorWare Agent 3.0 Released Build-IDs: Service 3.0.274, Client 3.0.838 New Major Additions Added New ServicesA bunch of new probe based services has been added. These new services include FTP, HTTP, IMAP, NNTP, POP3 and SMTP probe services. These services keep all features and filters specialized for there specific protocols...

2004-05-12 MonitorWare Agent 2.2

MonitorWare Agent 2.2 Final Release Build-IDs: Service 2.2.240, Client 2.2.700 Service Changes Database Monitor – Moved some options into a new Advanced view and added a new option to define the message format. There are three Options to what the message can be configured now:...

2004-05-12 MonitorWare Agent 2.1

MonitorWare Agent 2.1 Final New Services Added– DataBase Monitor Service can read a table out of a database and process each data record like other events within MonitorWare Agent. – SerialMonitor Service allows you to capture messages from a Serial Com or from the Printer ports. It is highly configurable and can send a Greeting … Continue reading "2004-05-12 MonitorWare Agent 2.1"...

2004-01-06 MonitorWare Agent 2.0 Final

MonitorWare Agent 2.0 MonitorWare Agent 2.0 is functionality equivalent to MonitorWare Agent 2.0 Beta. It is “just” a release build, which means it now does include proper documentation (that was partly missing from the beta)...

2003-12-15 MonitorWare Agent 2.0 Beta

MonitorWare Agent 2.0 Beta Now available in three different editions – to tailor it to your exact needs. SNMP Trap functionality – MonitorWare Agent 2.0 brings the ability to receive SNMP Traps. SETP Server: SSL Encryption – The SETP server now offers SSL and TLS encryption. Send SETP action – Supports SSL and TLS encryption … Continue reading "2003-12-15 MonitorWare Agent 2.0 Beta"...

2003-08-26 MonitorWare Agent 1.3

MonitorWare Agent 1.3 RFC 3195 Support(Client) – MonitorWare Agent now supports reliable syslog delivery via TCP when sending syslog messages. TCP syslog is implemented based on the new RFC 3195 and thus is standards-compliant. RFC 3195 Support(Server) – The syslog listener service now also supports TCP syslog messages based on RFC3195...

2003-07-29 MonitorWare Agent 1.2 ServicePack 1

MonitorWare Agent 1.2 ServicePack 1 Configuration Client enhancements – Added two new filters, Event Category and Event Type. These two filters can be used for EventMonitor filtering. Configuration Client bugfix – If a RuleSet was deleted, all RuleSets below the deleted one could lose their filter. This has been corrected now. Syslog Service – New … Continue reading "2003-07-29 MonitorWare Agent 1.2 ServicePack 1"...

2003-02-25 MonitorWare Agent 1.2

MonitorWare Agent 1.2 New Scaleable Filterengine -The new filter engine as very powerful, you can build complex filter conditions like known from Microsoft Network Monitor. A note for existing MonitorWare Agent Users. After update, you have to start the MWAgent Client first. This is important, because it will automatically import your existing filters into the … Continue reading "2003-02-25 MonitorWare Agent 1.2"...

2002-09-20 MonitorWare Agent 1.1

MonitorWare Agent 1.1 This release includes numerous enhancements as well as stability updates. All users are strongly advised to update to this version. Specifically, it includes the following enhancements:...

2002-03-01 MonitorWare Agent 1.0 Final

MonitorWare Agent 1.0 Final Release Date: 2002-03-01 Final, officially supported release. 352-001 Exam   , 1z0-434 dumps   , OG0-091 Study Guides   , 9A0-385 exam   , 2V0-621D dumps   , 9L0-012 exam   , 70-346 test   , 70-346 certification   , SY0-401 pdf   , JK0-022 pdf   , 101 certification   , 000-080 Study Guides   , 810-403 test … Continue reading "2002-03-01 MonitorWare Agent 1.0 Final"...

2001-11-30 MonitorWare Agent 1.0 Beta 2

MonitorWare Agent 1.0 Beta 2 Much enhanced release, now feature complete. The numerous changes will not be listed separately as there are so many. The Beta 2 release is expected to be very close to the final production code...

2001-09-28 MonitorWare Agent 0.8 Preview

MonitorWare Agent 0.8 Preview This is the initial release for people to get a sneak preview. It is incomplete, but the implemented features work reasonable stable. This release is not intended for production use...