Massive use of memory when using TCP
Article created 2011-02-01 by Florian Riedl.
Due to some testing we found, that in some cases MonitorWare Agent uses a lot of memory. This will happen, when MonitorWare Agent is configured as a syslog receiver and is listening to TCP. Additionally, this only occurs, when there are large message bursts, that are continously sent.
We realized it, when MonitorWare Agent used up all free memory and even the page file and didn’t stop to allocate memory blocks. First we thought this was a real bug – the memory would be allocated, but not be purged after it was used. But that was not the problem. Further testing proved, that the memory would be free again after a while.
It turned out, that the real reason was a configuration issue in MonitorWare Agent. With the default values for receiving syslog over TCP, the service would not recognize the line separators of the syslog messages, thus “thinking” it would get a single message only and thus allocating more and more memory for this “huge” message. This would happen when receiving large bursts of message and the buffer for receiving syslog messages would be full.
The solution is pretty simple, yet effective. In the configuration client you need to activate a setting for the syslog server. Just activate “Messages are separated by the following sequence” in the TCP Options. With this activated, MonitorWare Agent can properly recognize line breaks. Thus, it will only allocate memory for the real messages in the queue.
This option will be activated by default in the next release of MonitorWare Agent (8.0).