Install phpLogCon with IIS6.0

Install phpLogCon with IIS6.0

Article created 2008-10-14 by Tom Bergfeld.

In this paper, I describe how to install phpLogCon with IIS6.0. It is intentionally a brief step-by-step guide, targeted to those who want to quickly get it up and running. For more elaborate information about phpLogCon, please consult the phpLogCon manual set.

Installing IIS

If you don’t use IIS so far, you have to install it now. You just need your Windows-Installation-CD. Go to “Add or Remove Programs” in your Control Panel. There you will find IIS by clicking “Add or Remove Windows Components” (in some cases like Windows Server 2003 IIS is in “Application Server”).
Choose it and follow the install instructions.

To check if the install was correct open your browser and type “localhost” in your navigation bar. You should see the following screen (it’s the default startscreen of the IIS).

Downloading PHP-installer

Here you will find the PHP installer. Download it and follow the instructions of the installer. A simple test should show if the install was correct. Create a simple test.php-file in your webbrowser folder (default IIS folder c:\Inetpub\wwwroot) and try to open it via your browser. I created a simple test.php for you, that you can use to test your PHP by clicking here or download it.

Downloading phpLogCon

For obvious reasons, you need to download phpLogCon.
Load the most recent build from here.

Installing phpLogCon

Perhaps you will need to download and install third party software like WinRAR to unpack the downloaded phpLogCon tar.gz file.

Open the windows explorer and go to the Inetpub\wwwroot folder of your IIS web server, which is the folder where you can place html/php files. Create a new folder called phplogcon there.

If you downloaded and unpacked phpLogCon, copy or move the content of the src folder into the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\phplogcon folder.

The explorer window should be like in the screenshot now.

Before you can start the real install you have to set write permissions in the settings of the IIS like in the screenshot. Right click on the wwwroot folder -> properties -> security

Now open your phplogcon installation in your favourite webbrowser (localhost/phplogcon), you will see an error, and you will be pointed to the installation script. The install script will guide you through the phplogcon installation, just follow the instructions.

In the first step phpLogCon creates the config.php file in your created phplogcon folder and checks the permissions, if the config.php can be written or not.

In the next steps you can set several basic options.

Number of syslog messages per page = 50 (default)
This is the number of syslog messages displayed on each page. You can increase the value (makes phpLogCon slower) or decrease the value (makes it faster).

Message character limit for the main view = 80 (default)
Set the number of characters per message which will be shown in the last column of the main view. Full messages can be reviewed by hovering the mouse over it.

Show message details popup (default yes) = yes (default)
Here you can set, if you want the small window with the complete message to pop up if you are hovering over a event with the cursor. If you choose “No”, then you have to click on the message to see the details.

Create the first source for syslog messages.
Step 7 is the most important. Here, you will configure your first data source, which holds all your syslog data. Mainly, you have to choose a “Name of the Source” and a “Source Type”. The name will be displayed later in a drop-down menu with which you choose your active syslog source. The “Source Type” can be a file, a MySQL database or the PHP PDO which supports different database types like mssql, PostgreSQL, odbc, oracle or even ibm db2.

If you choose the diskfile,like in our case, you have to provide the following information:
Logline Type = Syslog / Rsyslog (default) or Adiscon WinSyslog
This tells phpLogCon, how the lines look like. This is necessary for showing the log messages properly.

Syslog File = /var/log/syslog (default)
This is the position of the logfile in your file system.
The only thing we have to change is the Syslog File into the folder of your choice. I created a file called Webserver.log in the folder c:\Logs, therefore my screen looks like this.

You are done!

In the next step you finish your install. The last thing you have to do is to delete or rename your install.php in your
c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\phplogcon folder to avoid a reinstall everytime you start your phpLogCon.

Store IIS Logfiles into a Database

Store IIS Logfiles into a Database

Created 2008-10-06 by Florian Riedl

For storing IIS logs into a database you need MWAgent. With the help of this guide, we will show you, how to create a proper configuration for storing IIS logs into a given database structure. The main goal of this guide is to achieve, that the logs will be parsed after a given time of the day, when the database isn’t very busy anymore and then again stopping later to prevent the service from idling all the day.
Please Note: With this setup you are not able to constantly monitor the Windows Eventlog or receive syslog messages at all times.

Step 1

First, create a new RuleSet for storing data into the database. You can simply follow this guide: Creating a Rule Set for Database Logging. Use your own settings of the database for this part.

Step 2

Then create your Filemonitor and point it to the location of your IIS Logfile which you want to monitor. For the basic setup follow this guide: How To setup File Monitor Service. For in-depth configuration, please go on.
(Note: Daily Internet Information Server log files are named “exyymmdd.log”, with yy being the 2 digit year, mm the month and dd the day of month. To generate the same name with file monitor, use the following name “ex%y%m%d.log”.)
Set the Logfile Type to “W3C WebServer Logfile”, set the Check Interval to “1 day” and assign it to your newly created RuleSet.

Figure 1: Configuring the Filemonitor

We have now already created the configuration we need for our goal to be achieved. We now need to determine the correct time to start the service and again to stop it.

Step 3

We will start and stop the service via Scheduled Tasks. But before we create the tasks, we have to do a little bit configuration to the service itself. Therefore, go to the services panel. Press the Windows-button + R and type services.msc into the field and hit enter.

Step 3.1

Figure 2: Type services.msc into the Run-Windows

Step 3.2

After this, the services panel will open. Double-click on the service AdisconMonitoreWareAgent to open up it’s properties and change the Startup Type to “Manual”.

Figure 3: Change Service Properties

After you have done this, confirm the changes and close the Service Properties as well as the Service Panel.

Step 4

Now we can create the Scheduled Task to start the service. Go to the Control Panel and select Scheduled Tasks. You can create a new Task by double-clicking on “Add Scheduled Task”. Simply follow the wizard as I show it.

Step 4.1

Figure 4: Select Application

The first screen of the wizard is of no concern. Simply hit “Next”. Then we shall choose an application. We could browse for any .exe file, but this does not matter, as we have to change all details later anyway. Because of this, I chose the Calculator.

Step 4.2

Figure 5: Select Name and Interval

The second Step is to choose a name with which the Task will be stored and an interval in which it should be run. For this example, I chose to run it daily. The reason for this is, that we want to submit the log data to the database on a daily basis. This can be changed later if necessary.

Step 4.3

Figure 6: Detailed Startup Setup

On the next screen we can be a more precise with the interval configuration. I set the starting time to 5:00 AM. This will start the Task each day at the same time.

Step 4.4

Figure 7: Account details

Here we have to insert the account details with which the Task needs to be run. Please note, that this has to be an account with administrative privileges. Else the service won’t start.

Step 4.5

Figure 8: Finish the Configuration Wizard

Finally, we have reached the end of the configuration wizard. Please check the box to open the advanced properties for this task right after finishing the wizard. Then we can complete the setup. If you missed to check the box, simply double-click on the newly created Task in the list to open the properties.

Step 4.6

Figure 9: Detail Configuration

Now we only have to finish the last step for this Task. We need to change the run command. Instead of calling the calculator.exe we now insert “net start AdisconMonitoreWareAgent” (without the quotes). This command will start the service. Please Note: Check and see if you wrote the Service name correctly, as shown in the screenshot. If you are unsure, check the name in the Services Panel.

Step 5

Now that we have created a Task for starting the MonitorWare Agent service, we need a task to stop it as well. Please note: This Step is only necessary if you do NOT want the service to idle all day. If you do not care about this, it doesn’t matter, because MonitorWare Agent is configured to check the log files every 24h anyway.

Please repeat the Steps 4.1 to 4.6 with the following changes:

Step 5.1

Figure 10: Select Name and Interval

In the second Step, you need to choose a different name of course. This will help you to keep an eye over those Tasks and not mix them up.

Step 5.2

Figure 11: Detail Configuration

In the detail configuration, the command has to be different as well. Instead of the parameter “start” we need to use “stop”. Very self-explanatory.

This concludes this guide. If you have any remarks or suggestions, feel free to contact us. Your feedback is very welcome.

Forwarding filtered IIS Logfiles

Forwarding filtered IIS Logfiles

Created 2006-04-19 by Timm Herget

Please note: In order to forward the IIS logs you need MWAgent.

Step 1

First, create a new RuleSet, in our sample we named it ForwardSyslog, and bind an ForwardSyslog ,or any other action you want to use for forwarding (e.g. SendEmail), to it. In our sample we now must define the syslog server where we want to forward it to:

Figure 1: Creating the ruleset and its action

Step 2

Then create your Filemonitor and point it to the location of your IIS Logfile which you want to monitor.
(Note: Daily Internet Information Server log files are named “exyymmdd.log”, with yy being the 2 digit year, mm the month and dd the day of month. To generate the same name with file monitor, use the following name “ex%y%m%d.log”.)
Set the Logfile Type to “W3C WebServer Logfile” and assign it to your newly created RuleSet (in our case its ForwardSyslog).

Figure 2: Creating and configuring the filemonitor

Step 3.1

Click on the FilterConditions Tab of your newly created RuleSet, which contains your forwarding action (in our case the ForwardSyslog ruleset). Set the filters as shown on the screen below. In our sample we want to forward every log entry, excepting accesses from client ip (c-ip) so we set the operator to AND and use a Custom Property. Set the Property Name to “p-c-ip”, the compare operation to “does not contain” and the Property Value to “”. In pseudo code this looks like this:

  • if (IP != “”)
    forward the logentry
    discard the logentry

Figure 3: Setting up the filterconditions

Step 3.2

Of course you can add as many ip’s to filter out as you want to. Simply change the introducing AND to OR and set those filters.
To do so simply click on the AND and then on “Change Operator”.
This means “If ip-x OR ip-y OR ip-z are not found, do x”:

Figure 4: Advancing filterconditions part one

Step 3.3

If you would specify the filters in that way, that you only want to forward some specific IP’s and not, as we mentioned above,
all excepting some specific then set the initial operator to OR and the filteroption from “does not contain” to “must contain”
and configure your IP filters:

Figure 5: Advancing filterconditions part two

(Note: There are some more special IIS filter options, read more in the online manual.)