MonitorWare Agent 5.2 Released
Grossrinderfeld, 2008-03-31
Adiscon is proud to announce the 5.2 release of MonitorWare Agent. This is a maintenance release including new features and bugfixes. The most important changes are:
- InterActive SyslogViewer – We are introducing a new tool for Realtime Syslog viewing called “Interactive SyslogViewer”. This application is written in Microsoft .Net which means, the .Net Framework will also be installed with the setup.
- New Service “SNMP Monitor” – This new Service can monitor SNMP Devices using the SNMP Get Method. There are many snmp capable devices out there which can be monitored with this new service.
- SMTP SSL support for the Send Email Action – This means you can use a secured connection to SMTP Servers. Note that the common default port for SMTP over SSL is 465. If you enable SSL Support and use a normal SMTP Server, the email delivery will fail.
- Queue Manager – This feature enables the Agent to cache items in its internal queue on disk using a fixed data file. Warning(!), this feature will slow down processing speed depending on your hard disk speed. This feature can give you an additional level of failover support.
- File Monitor – Added full support for UTF Textfiles which means we now support UTF8, UTF16 and normal ASCII text files.
- Filter Engine – A new Extended Property type for number based properties is available now, so you can filter for custom properties as numbers.
- General SNMP Change – Updated all NET-SNMP MIBS which are shipped with MWAgent, and also introduced custom enterprise MIBS for Monitorware Agent. These Mibs will now be used by default in the SendSNMP Action, to generate useful traps.
For more details read the version history
Version 5.2 is a free download, but requires a version 5 key. Customers with existing 4.x keys can contact our Sales department for upgrade prices. If you have a valid Upgrade Insurance ID, you can request a free new key by sending your Upgrade Insurance ID to Please note that the download enables the free 30-day trial version if used without a key – so you can right now go ahead and evaluate it.