A complete step by step guide on setting up Scheduling of Reports with Job Manager

How To Schedule Reports with MonitorWare Console

Article created 2003-11-20 by

Reports in MonitorWare Console can be scheduled using Job Manager. With Job
Manager you can not only schedule the reports such that they are saved on the
hard disk but also you can schedule the reports such that they are sent via
email to specified recipients.

1. Click "Options" in the main tool bar of MonitorWare Console and then click
on "Job Manager Settings…" You will see a dialog box as shown below

2. Click on the report that you want to schedule. In this example i will
illustrate the scheduling of "System Status Report"

3. Click on "System Status Report" on the left hand side.

4. On the right hand side, set the time and UTC offset. Please note that the
check box must be checked if you want to schedule the report. Lets say
you want to generate this report daily at 11:00 pm. If you have logged the
records in the database with local time, then you dont need to set this UTC
value. It will stay at 0. These settings are shown below:

5. Now click on Action tab. You will see as below:

6. Set the File Prefix. In this case, I leave it as default.

7. Now you have 2 options. Either you can save the report on the hard disk or
you can send an email when the scheduled time is met. If you select "Save as
file" radio button, then the "File Settings" button will be enabled and on the
other hand, if you select "Send as attachment in email" radio button, then both
"SMTP Settings and "Message Settings" buttons will be enabled. You can either
carry on with Step 8 or Step 9 depending upon your requirements

8. If you want to save the report on the hard disk at the scheduled time then
select "Save as file" radio button and click on "File Settings" button. Once you
do that, you will see the following dialog box:

You can select any path over here that you feel like. But if you want to view
this report on the web, you will have to create a folder under Inetpub->wwwroot.
In this case, I have created a folder named "MonitorWareConsole" and have
selected the same in the above dialog box. Click OK once you have done that

9. If on the other hand, you are interested in the report being emailed to
some specified recipient at the specified time, then you should select the radio
buttion labeled as "Send as attachment in email". After Selecting it, click on
SMTP Settings. It will show you the following dialog box:

Enter your SMTP server name. Click OK. Then click on "Message Settings"
button. You will see a dialog box similar to the one shown below:

Fill in these values and click OK when done

10. After setting the "Action" tab according to 8 or 9 above, click on Filter
tab. Once done, you will see following dialog box:

You can now select one of the above 3 mentioned filters based on your

11. Once done, click on "Save" button. If the Job Manager Service is running,
it will give you a message saying that it would restart the service so that new
settings could take effect. If on the other hand, the service in the background
is not running, it would give you a message saying that you have to manually
restart the service. You can start the service manually by going to Control
Panel->Administrative Tools->Services and start AdisconMWCJobManager Service

What is the log file format for generating reports with Monilog?

What is the log file format for generating reports with Monilog?

Created 2005-08-02 by Timm Herget

What are the settings that I would have to make such that the log file is generated in a format that is acceptable to Monilog?

There are a few things that have to be set in order to generate a log file that would be read by Monilog for Reporting purposes

1. Event Log Monitor Setting

The following checkboxes should be checked for Event Log Monitor Service. This must be done by clicking the “Advanced Options” tab. The rest of the “base options” should be leaved at default settings:

Figure 1: Event Log Monitor Service Settings
2. Forward Via Syslog Settings

In Forward via Syslog Action, you would see a “Message Format” option. From the “Insert” menu entry select “Replace with Monilog Format“. Please Note: It is very important that you uncheck the “Add Syslog Source when forwarding to other Syslog servers” Option. Your settings should be like this:

Figure 2: Forward Via Syslog Action Settings
3. Syslog Listener Settings

Please note that the “Enable RFC 3164 Parsing” should be checked

Figure 3: Syslog Listener Service Settings
4. Write to File Action Settings

Please note that you should leave all settings at the default settings for “FileLogging Action”. If you changed anything in your default options, please adapt your settings to those who are shown on the following screenshot:

Figure 4: Write to File Action Settings

With the above mentioned settings, Monilog will successfully generate the report on the log file that has been generated.

“A complete step by step guide on setting up Scheduling of Reports with Job Manager

How To Schedule Reports with MonitorWare Console 2.0

Article created 2004-04-14 by

Reports in MonitorWare Console can be scheduled using Job
Manager. Job Manager is a Window Service that runs in the background and
generates the reports according to user-defined schedule. It also has the
capability of sending the generated reports to specified recipients via email.
The settings of this service are done from the MonitorWare Console Client. This
client will only be available to you if you have a valid license for “Windows
Reporting Module” or “PIX Reporting Module” or both. Once you open up Job
Manager Settings form as shown in Figure 1, you will be able to schedule all of
the reports (whether PIX or Windows) but only those reports will be generated whose license is valid. So,
for example, you have PIX Reporting Module license with you, then you will be able to access the screen shown in Figure 1 and
configure all of the reports but Job Manager will only generate those reports that are
PIX and will not generate any of the configured Windows Report since you dont have
the license for it.

Profiles have been introduced in the Job Manager. You can associate different reports to different profiles and they will be generated according to your specified time
and date. You can create as many profiles as you like in Job Manager which
means that now, you can generate the same report as many times as you would
like in one day.

Job Manager can now
also generate those reports that you have saved in the Reporting Module by applying various
filters. The reports that are indented in Figure 1 are those reports that had been
saved using Report Manager.

With Job
Manager you can not only schedule the reports such that they are saved on the
hard disk but also you can schedule the reports such that they are sent via
email to specified recipients.

1. Click “Options” in the main tool bar
of MonitorWare Console and then click on “Job Manager Settings…” You will see a dialog
box as shown below:

Figure 1: Job Manager Settings Form

2. Click on the report that you want to schedule. In this example I will
illustrate the scheduling of “System Status Report”.

3. Click on “System Status Report” on the left hand side.

4. On the right hand side, in the general tab set the
UTC offset and Job Manager Interval. If you have logged the records in the
database with local time, then you dont need to set this UTC value. It will stay
at 0. The Job Manager Interval can be set over here, by default it is 1
minute. This is the wake up time for Adiscon MWCJobManager. This specifed interval invokes JobManager and it looks for the scheduled report,
if it’s time to run the scheduled report then the report is generated otherwise it goes into the
sleep state until it’s invoked again. The settings are shown in figure 1.

5. Once done click on Action tab or press Next button.You will see as below:

Figure 2: Job Manager Settings Form – Action Tab

6. Set the File Prefix. In this case, I leave it as default.

7. You have got two options over here. Either you can save the report on the hard disk or
you can send an email when the scheduled time is met. If you select “Save as
file” radio button, then the “File Settings” button will be enabled and on the
other hand, if you select “Send as attachment in email” radio button, then both
Settings and “Message Settings” buttons will be enabled. You can either
carry on with Step 8 or Step 9 depending upon your requirements.

8. If you want to save the report on the hard disk at the scheduled time then
select “Save as file” radio button and click on “File Settings” button. Once you
do that, you will see the following dialog box:

Figure 3: File Settings – Select Folder Form

You can select any path over here that you feel like. But if you want to view this report
on the web, you will have to create a folder under Inetpub -> wwwroot.
In this case, I have created a folder named “MonitorWareConsole” and have
selected the same in the above dialog box. Click OK, once you have done that.

9. If on the other hand, you are interested in the report being emailed to
some specified recipient at the specified time, then you should select the radio
buttion labeled as “Send as attachment in email”. After Selecting it, click on
SMTP Settings. It will show you the following dialog box:

Figure 4: SMTP Settings Form

Enter your SMTP server name. Click OK. Then click on “Message Settings”
button. You will see a dialog box similar to the one shown below:

Figure 5: Message Settings Form

Fill in these values and click OK when done.

10. After setting the “Action” tab according to 8 or 9 above, click on Schedule tab or press Next
button. Once done, you will see following dialog box:

Figure 6: Job Manager Settings Form – Schedule Tab

For example, you can tell Job Manager to generate the System Status report at 7:00 AM
on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, thursday and friday. Whenever you come to office, you will see a complete report on your system on the above mentioned days and you can take necessary actions
right away.

11. After setting the “Schedule” tab according to 10, click on Filter tab or press Next
button. Once done, you will see following dialog box:

Figure 7: Job Manager Settings Form – Filter Tab

You can select one of the above 6 mentioned filters based on your

12. After setting the “Filter” tab according to 11, click on Source tab or press Next button. Once done, you will see following dialog

Figure 8: Job Manager Settings Form – Source Tab (Database option checked)

You have two options over here. Either you can generate the report from a database or you can use log files i.e. these
two options are mutually exclusive. If you select “Generate Reports on data coming from database” radio
button, then the schedule reports would be generated on the basis of the
underlying database. We have provided this option so that if your main
data on which you want to generate reports is present in some other database, then
you can give its DSN over here. And If you select “Generate Reports on data
coming from the following file” radio button, then the reports would be generated on
the basis of the configured log files and not on
any database. You can either carry on with Step 13 or Step 14 depending upon
your requirements.

13. If you want to generate the report from the
underlying database or from any other database then you select “Generate Reports on data coming from database”
radio button. Once this option is checked then provide
the DSN, User Name and Password as shown in Figure 8.

Note: If you had
created the DSN with the “Windows Integerated Security”, then you don’t need to
give any User Name or Password. We highly recommend to create a specific account with very limited permissions if
you store a password. This account does only need to have “select” permissions.

14. If you want to generate the report from the log files
then you select “Generate Reports on data coming from the following file” radio button. Once you
do that, provide all the required fields as in the screen-shot shown below:

Figure 9: Job Manager Settings Form – Source Tab (Log File option checked)

Note: If you are
interested in Windows Report then choose AdisconParserForXML. And if you are interested in PIX Reports
then choose AdisconParserForPIX. The Specific Logfile Format has been given

Format of the Log File for Window’s Report – If you want to generate the above Windows’ Reports on log files, then
its absolutely necessary that the log files are in a specific format. Only the
following two check boxes in the “Write to File Action” of EventReporter,
MonitorWare Agent or WinSyslog should be checked.

Figure 10: Write to File Action of EventReporter, WinSyslog and MonitorWare Agent.

If any of these check boxes is not checked or any other check box is checked apart from the above shown, then
the report will not be generated. If the log file entries are not in the correct
format, then MonitorWare Console will write error messages for first 50 lines in
Windows Event Log and will ignore them for the generation of report

Note: Do NOT check “Use Legacy Format” in your EventLogMonitor Service. If you check this, the records
can not properly be compressed and you will receive a very large report.

Format of the Log File for PIX Reports – If you want to generate the above PIX Reports on log
files, then its absolutely necessary that the log files are in a specific
format. Only the following check boxes in the “Write to File Action” of
EventReporter, MonitorWare Agent or WinSyslog should be checked.

Figure 11: Write to File Action of EventReporter, WinSyslog and MonitorWare Agent

15. Once done, click on “Save” button. All the settings will be saved permanently. If the Job Manager Service is running, it will give you
a message saying that it would restart the service so that new settings could take effect.
If on the other hand, the service in the background is not running, it
would give you a message saying that you have to manually restart the service. You
can start the service manually by going to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools
-> Services and start AdisconMWCJobManager

A complete step by step guide that explains how the reports can be generated with MonitorWare Console

How To Generate Reports with MonitorWare Console Manually (For Windows
Reporting Module – applicable for 2.0)

Article created 2004-03-10 by

1. You would need Base Product Key and Window Reporting Module Key for this

2. Once MonitorWare Console 2.0 is opened, on the left hand side, you can see a
tree view with a node called “Reports”. Click on that node. It will show you
the list of available reports under it as well as on the right hand side. You
will see something similar to the following figure:

You can now click on any of the displayed reports. For the purpose of this
article, I have selected “System Status Report” because it is a very
comprehensive report and summarizes the overall network activity very well.
Once you click on the System Status Report, you will see something similar to
the figure shown below.

Note: Windows Reports are displayed in a band of Lilac whereas the PIX
Reports are displayed in a band of Blue.

3. Once you click on System Status Report, the following form will be displayed

4. This form displays the report options. If you double clicked on any “Report”,
then in that case, this form will open up with default options that you had
set. (For details about defining global settings, please refer to MonitorWare
Console’s Manual which can be accessed by pressing the Help button in
MonitorWare Console’s tool bar). These settings help you out if you want to
generate many reports with almost the same settings.

Of course, you have the liberty to overwrite these settings. You can generate
reports on the data using the underlying database (even from an another
database) or from a log file.

You have the option of generating the reports on the fly. Even if MonitorWare
Console is connected to some other database, still you can give any DSN, its
user name and its password and the report will be generated on that
database to which the DSN is pointing to. The same approach can be used with
the log files. You can override the default log file settings and MonitorWare
Console can generate reports using some other log file, still you can give Log
File Configurations in the above fields and the report will be generated on
that particular log file.

If “Generate Reports on data coming from database” is checked then all of the
controls on “Log File Reports” tab will be disabled. If “Generate Reports on
data coming from a log file ” is checked then then all of the controls on
“Database Reports” tab will be disabled. It means that these are mutually

You can select various templates for the HTML reports that will be generated
from the general tab and this tab also allows you to pick images from web or
from the local disk

5. MonitorWare Console provides a powerful feature of letting users define and
apply filters on any report. Using this form is further explained in the
upcoming steps, you can apply the filters of your own choice on the underlying
database or on the log files. (For details about the filters, please refer to
MonitorWare Console’s Manual which can be accessed by pressing the Help button
in MonitorWare Console’s tool bar).

Case 1:

6. Lets assume in this scenario that, I am interested in getting a report for
the records that were logged (into the underlying database) after March 12, 2004
and were from the machine computer01.

7. For this scenario select the “Generate Reports on data coming from database”
option from the general tab. Switch to the Database Reports tab and setup the
filter in the following way:

8. At the bottom left of the screen shot above, you can see there is a button
which is called “Advanced Filters”. The settings made in this form applies on
the form as a whole. If you click on this button, a form similar to the one
shown below will pop up:

With this Advanced Filters’ Form, you can specify some additional filters for
the System Status Report. This Advanced Filter form provides an opportunity to
consolidate the records to a great extent. I will give one example to clarify
this. Some events that are generated in the Windows Event Log have the same
message but sometimes contain different Microsoft links. If you select the
check box “Remove Microsoft links” above, it will remove the Microsoft links
before consolidating them and hence a number of different events with count 1
could be consolidated to just a single line. Please note that it doesn’t remove
the information permanently from the database. It just removes this information
for generating this report. Similarly other check boxes can be checked to
provide a greater level of consolidation.

9. Once you define the advanced filters in the form shown above, press the “Set”
button. You will be taken back to the previous Filter From.

10. Once you have defined all the filters, you can actually save all of your
settings by pressing the “Save Report” Button in the Filter Form so that you
don’t have to define these filters daily if you are interested in seeing this
report daily.

11. You can now press the “Generate Report” button. It will open up a report in
HTML format according to your defined filters as shown below: (Please note that
some information has been removed purposely for security reasons)

Status Report

In this report, you also have the option of expanding and contracting the node
of From Host, Event Log Type, Event Source and Event Id.

Case 2:

12. Lets assume in this scenario that, I am interested in getting a report on
all the records that were logged (into the log file).

13. For this scenario select the “Generate Reports on data coming from a log
file” option from the general tab. Switch to the Log File Reports tab and setup
the filter in the following way:

14. Once you have defined the filters, you can actually save all of your
settings by pressing the “Save Report” Button in the Filter Form so that you
don’t have to define these filters daily if you are interested in seeing this
report daily.

15. You can now press the “Generate Report” button. It will open up a report in
HTML format according to your defined filters as shown below:

Status Report

In this report, you also have the option of expanding and contracting the node
of From Host, Event Log Type, Event Source and Event Id.

Note: You can have a look at other available
Windows Reports

A complete step by step guide that explains how the reports can be generated with MonitorWare Console

How To Generate Reports with MonitorWare Console Manually

Article created 2003-11-19 by

1. Once MonitorWare Console is opened, on the left hand
side, you can see a tree view with a node called "Reports". Click on that node.
It will show you the list of avaiable reports under it as well as on the right
hand side. You will see something similar to the following figure.


You can now click on any of the displayed reports.
For the purpose of this article, I have selected "System Status Report"
because it is a very comprehensive report and summarizes the overall network
activity very well. Once you click on the System Status Report, you will see
something similar to the figure shown below

2. Once you click on System Status Report, the
following form will be displayed

3. MonitorWare Console provides a powerful
feature of letting users define and apply filters on any report. Using this
form, you can apply the filters of your own choice. (For details about the
filters, please refer to MonitorWare Console’s Manual which can be accessed by
pressing the Help button in MonitorWare Console’s tool bar)

4. Lets say, I am interested in getting a
report for the records that were logged after July 16, 2003 and were not from
the machine I can setup my filter in the following way:

5. At the bottom left of the screen shot
above, you can see there is a button which is called "Advanced Filters". If you
click on this button, a form similar to the one shown below will pop up:

With this Advanced Filters’ Form, you can
specify some additional filters for the System Status Report. This Advanced
Filter form provides an opportunity to consolidate the records to a great
extent. I will give one example to clarify this. Some events that are generated
in the Windows Event Log have the same message but sometimes contain different
Microsoft links. If you select the check box "Remove Microsoft links" above, it
will remove the Microsoft links before consolidating them and hence a number of
different events with count 1 could be consolidated to just a single line.
Please note that it doesn’t remove the information permanently from the
database. It just removes this information for generating this report. Similarly
other check boxes can be checked to provide a greater level of consolidation.

6. Once you define the advanced filters in
the form shown above, press the "Set" button. You will be taken back to the
previous Filter From.

7. Once you have defined all the filters, you
can actually save all of your settings by pressing the "Save Report" Button in
the Filter Form so that you dont have to define these filters daily if you are
interested in seeing this report daily.

8. You can now press the "Generate Report"
button. It will open up a report in HTML format according to your defined
filters as shown below (Please note that some information has been removed
purposely for security reasons)

In this report, you also have the option of
expanding and contracting the node of From Host, Event Log Type, Event Source
and Event Id